Telegram is a free and open-source, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging (IM) software. This service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing, and several other features. It was launched for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android in October 2013. Telegram provides end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls and optional end-to-end encrypted "secret" chats. Cloud chats and groups are encrypted between the app and the server so that ISPs and other third parties on the network can't access data, but the Telegram server can. Users can send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share an unlimited number of images, documents (2 GB per file), user locations, animated stickers, contacts, and audio files.
Just as there are different Mod versions of WhatsApp, developers have also crafted mod versions of Telegram. One of such mods is the TurboTel Pro. TurboTax Pro is built and designed by the Ellipi group. The app is an unofficial messaging application that uses the Telegram API. It comes with a lot of features that are hidden or not available on the regular Telegram app. TurboTax Pro is a mod version of the Telegram app that offers users more flexibility. Check out some of the features of the app below.
- Turbo User Interface
- Lots of settings for filters(tabs)
- Sorting, Hiding, Turning off accounts
- Special contacts
- Showing contacts’ changes
- Download Manager
- Bookmark messages
- Go to the first message in a chat
- Locking and Hiding chats
- Lock sending
- Changing the background of a chat individually
- Forwarding messages without quoting
- Confirmation sending/forwarding stuff
- Confirmation making telegram calls
- Edit and repost (Forward with pre-editing)
- Painting option to send paint
- Option to convert photo to sticker
- Option to convert video to round video
- Voice changer
- Copy parts of a text message
- Supporting 10 accounts
- Lots of storage settings
- Getting toast notifications for contacts’ activities
- And many other extra features.
What’s New in Version 7.8.0?
Updated source code to v7.8.0
- Added Malaysian language
Version 7.7.1
- Upgraded to Telegram version 7.7.1
Version 7.6.0
- Upgraded to Telegram version 7.6.0
- New page transition animation
- Option to set chat’s avatar radius
Where To Download TurboTel Pro Apk?
You can download the latest version of TurboTax Pro from the link below. The first link is from Google Play Store, while the other link is an alternative link just in case the first one isn’t available in your region.
Application Information
- Name: TurboTel Pro APK
- Developer: ellipi group
- Required Android Version: 4.1 and up
- Version: 7.8.0
- App Size: 34.91MB
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