Telegram is a free and open-source, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging (IM) software. This service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing, and several other features. It was launched for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android in October 2013. Telegram provides end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls and optional end-to-end encrypted "secret" chats. Cloud chats and groups are encrypted between the app and the server so that ISPs and other third parties on the network can't access data, but the Telegram server can. Users can send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share an unlimited number of images, documents (2 GB per file), user locations, animated stickers, contacts, and audio files.
BGram has been around for quite some time now. The app was designed as an unofficial messaging app that uses Telegram’s API but comes with extra features. It is advanced and comes as one of the best Telegram Mod around. Telegram API is available for any developer, hence the different mods that are popping up by the day.
BifToGram or BGram for short, comes with some amazing features which are not available to users on the regular Telegram app. This version comes with features such as unlimited support for multiple accounts, mentions with names without @, night and day modes and ghost mode to read messages in offline status. Check out below for more features.
- Create your own chat tabs with icon support from png.
- Direct chats: you can make a new folder and set it as Direct chats, which will be shown in sidebar and as a tab.
- Batch actions with chats (mark read, delete, etc.) and contacts.
- Auto-merge your messages sent in a row.
- Confirmation of sending audio, video messages, GIFs, stickers.
- Change interface fonts with viewing and setting ttf from chat.
- Hidden chats with telegram password protection and fingerprint login.
- Auto-selecting proxy based on ping and connection speed.
- Built-in TOR.
- Forward messages without quoting, with editing, or adding caption to media.
- Copy part of the message.
- Improved formatting panel (with quote and reply to selected phrase).
- Create links in two clicks.
- Increase the limit of pinned chats to 100.
- All types of shared media in the profile.
- Photo in chat for the entire width of the screen.
- Hide bottom panel in channels.
- Search button in each chat.
- Save to cloud and Edit buttons next to chat messages.
- Copy links and usernames by click.
- Reply and save to the cloud (in channels) swipe left, forward swipe right.
- “Forward and delete original messages,” save selection after multi forward, “etc.
- Quick access to functions by long tap on various interface elements.
- Fast selection (in 3 clicks) of message groups and batch actions (save to cloud, copy links).
- Long tap actions in searching results: on chat avatar — copy username, on message — copy link to message.
- Search for replies to your messages on all chats (long tap on search button in the main screen).
- Create a link to a user profile without username.
- Mention by name (without @) with custom text.
- Search for replies to a message and user messages in a group.
- Users view group administrator rights.
- Convenience to manage the group: clean from deleted, access to the avatar hold log, buttons in the profile, items in the context menu, batch forwarding from the log.
- Backup settings by sending to the cloud
- Export a list of links to all tab chats.
- And many other options
Where To Download BGram Apk?
You can download the latest version of BGram from the link below. The first link is from Google Play Store, while the other link is an alternative link just in case the first one isn’t available in your region.
Application Information
- Name: BGram APK
- Developer: Biftor
- Required Android Version: 4.1 and up
- Version: 7.8.0
- App Size: 50MB
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